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Top 3 Best Drone Insurance Companies in India

Top 3 Best Drone Insurance Companies in India


Top 3 Best Drone Insurance Companies In India

As per the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Rules of 2020 “No unmanned aircraft (UA) system shall be operated in India unless there is in existence a valid third party insurance policy to cover the liability that may arise on account of a mishap…,” said the rules.

It raised concerns over the mandatory arrangement of Insurance arrangements to cover Third-party liability risks.

Drone Insurance is quite a new concept in India. Presently there are the top 03 best Drone Insurance companies in India who are offering Drone Insurance.


In June 2019, HDFC ERGO partnered with technology giant Tropogo, launched an insurance plan to cover commercial Drone owners and operators.

This policy will cover third-party liabilities for property damages and physical injuries.

This policy has a flexible plan on the concept of ‘pay as you fly’ for Drone owners and operators. The increased usage of Drones in every sector poses the threat for Third-party liability risks, and to address these risks, this type of insurance cover is very essential.

HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company managing director and CEO Ritesh Kumar said:

“Today, drones are becoming more and more popular in events and other outdoor commercial activities, which require skilled professionals to operate them. But, mistakes in operating and equipment failure may cause damage to third parties.

“Considering this we are launching this cover under our Aviation Insurance, which is a first in the industry, to safeguard drone owners and pilots from any third-party liability while flying a drone commercially.”


Private sector general insurance company Tata AIG General Insurance Company had tied up with Drone Federation of India (DFI) for design and provide Drone insurance cover.

DFI is a not-for-profit industry-led body that strives to build a safe and scalable unmanned aviation industry in India.

Sushant Sarin, Executive Vice-President, and Head Reinsurance, Tata AIG, said: “Our collaboration with DFI to launch tailor-made insurance products for drone operators, subject to necessary approvals from the insurance regulator, furthers our mission to create a better tomorrow for our customers by delivering innovative risk solutions.”

Smit Shah, Director – Partnerships, DFI, said the partnership will help create insurance solutions for the drone industry and help operationalize a very important part of the civil aviation requirements for RPA as mandated by DGCA India.


Technology giant Tropogoalso brings drone Insurance covers for its members only. It offers 03 types of plans, viz.

For Commercial Pilots- Flexibility of choosing nature of cover as Hourly, Daily, and Monthly

For Enterprise Clients- Tailor-made cover for unlimited Flights in India, Duration can be from 01 months to 01 years and can be cover maximum of 20 Drone in a single Insurance arrangement

BVLOS Cover- BVLOS Cover offers protection for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS)drone operations, where risks are unseen.

Top 3 Best Drone Insurance Companies in India, Drone Federation of India, Tropogo, TATA AIG, Drone Insurance Cover in India

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  1. Federal Aviation Administration. “UAS by the Numbers.” Accessed December 26, 2020. 
  2. Federal Aviation Administration. “FAADroneZone.” Accessed December 26, 2020. 

  3. AM Best. “AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Starr International Company Inc.’s Insurance Subsidiaries.” Accessed December 26, 2020.

  4. AM Best. “AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Munich Reinsurance Company and Its Subsidiaries.” Accessed December 26, 2020.

  5. Insurance Information Institute. “Drones and Insurance.” Accessed December 26, 2020.