IMT Endorsements

IMT(Indian Motor Tariff Act 2002) Endorsements are the series of 65 Endorsements under Motor Insurance ,which are insert into policy, and formed the part of the main policy.

IMT - 1

Extension of Geographical Area

Applicable to extend the running geographical area of vehicle. Through this clause the countries can add are Nepal/Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan, Bangladesh. Also the extra premium will be also charged by Insurance company accordingly.

IMT - 2

Agreed Value Clause

This Clause is applicable in case of VINTAGE CARS only. In case of Total Loss/ Total Constructive Loss, the total IDV(Insured Declared Value) of the vehicle will be paid by Insurance company against claim.

IMT - 3

Transfer of Interest

Applicable to Transfer of Interest of policy to new owner. With this clause the NCB(No Claim Bonus) can also be transferred to new owner.

IMT - 4

Change of Vehicle

Applicable to change of Vehicle under policy. The old vehicle details will be deleted from particular Insurance policy and new vehicle details will be updated under the same policy.

IMT - 5

Hire Purchase Agreement

Applicable in case of Vehicle taken on Hire Purchase or finance by any company.

IMT - 6

Lease Agreement

Applicable in case of vehicle given under the Lease agreement to the Insured.

IMT - 7

Vehicle Subject to Hypothecation Agreement

Applicable in case of Vehicle is Hypothecated to any Bank

IMT - 8

Discount for Membership of Recognised Automobile Association

(Private Cars and Motorised two Wheelers)

Membership discount apply on policy if Insured is having any membership of recognized Automobile association

IMT - 9

Discount for VIntage Cars

(For Private Cars only)

If Vehicle manufacturing year between 1919 to 1935, then it will classified as vintage Cars. For such cars there will

IMT - 10

Installation of Anti-Theft Device

Apply in the policy in case of installation of any Anti theft device in Vehicle. A discount is also allowed to such vehicles

IMT - 11-A

Laid-Up Vehicle

(Declare Lay up period)

Applicable to policy for vehicles which are Laid up in garage(period not declared), i.e not in use. For such vehicles Discount/ increase of policy period.

IMT - 11-B

Laid-Up Vehicle

(Not Declare Lay up period)

Applicable to policy for vehicles which are Laid up in garage(period not declared), i.e not in use.

IMT - 11-C

Termination of Undeclared Period of Vehicle

Applicable in policy for reinstated the policy coverage after termination of laid up period

IMT - 12

Discount for Specially designed/Modified vehicles for the Blind, Handicapped and Mentally Challanged person

A Discount of 50% on own Damage premium for Vehicles specially designed for Blind, Handicapped and Mentally challenged person

IMT - 13

Use of the Vehicle within Insured's Own Premises

(Applicable to all classes except as otherwise provided in the tariff )

By way of putting this IMT insurer restricted the use of Vehicle other than Insured's premise. i.e confine the movement of Vehicle

IMT - 14

Applicable to private cars including three wheelers

rated as private cars and motorized two wheelers with or without side car [not for hire or reward])

Applicable to Vehicle's use only to confined sites, where public have no right of access.

IMT - 15

Personal Accident cover to the insured or any named person Other than paid driver or cleaner

{Applicable to private cars including three wheelers rated as private cars and motorized two wheelers with or without side car (not for hire or reward)}

i. Death-100%

ii. Loss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye- 100%

iii. Loss of one limb or sight of one eye- 50%

iv. Permanent Total Disablement from

injuries other than named above- 100%

IMT - 16

Personal accident to unnamed passengers other than insured and

The paid driver and cleaner

{ For vehicles rated as Private cars and Motorised two wheelers (not for hire or reward) with or without side car}

i. Death-100%

ii. Loss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye- 100%

iii. Loss of one limb or sight of one eye- 50%

iv. Permanent Total Disablement from

injuries other than named above- 100%

IMT - 17

Personal accident cover to paid drivers, cleaners and Conductors

(Applicable to all classes of vehicles)

i. Death-100%

ii. Loss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye- 100%

iii. Loss of one limb or sight of one eye- 50%

iv. Permanent Total Disablement from

injuries other than named above- 100%

IMT - 18

Personal accident to unnamed hirer and unnamed pillion


(Applicable to Motorized Two wheelers with or without side Car)

i. Death-100%

ii. Loss of two limbs or sight of two eyes or one limb and sight of one eye- 100%

iii. Loss of one limb or sight of one eye- 50%

iv. Permanent Total Disablement from

injuries other than named above- 100%

IMT - 19

Cover For Vehicles Imported Without Customs Duty

IMT -20

Reduction In The Limit Of Liability For Property Damage

Limitation of Liability of Insurance company in respect of any damage to property other than the property belonging to the insured or held in trust or in custody or control of the insured

IMT - 21

Special Exclusions And Compulsory Deductible

(Applicable to all Commercial Vehicles excluding taxis and motorized two wheelers carrying passengers for hire or reward.)

IMT - 22.A

Voluntary Deductible

Specify details of Voluntary deductible amount from policy

IMT - 23

Cover for lamps tyres / tubes mudguards bonnet /side parts Bumpers headlights and paintwork of damaged portion only

(For all Commercial Vehicles)

Used to cover loss of or damage to lamps tyres/tubes mudguards bonnet/side parts bumpers headlights and paintwork of damaged portion provided the vehicle is also damaged at the same time.

Subject to:

(a) Depreciation as per schedule provided in Section 1 of the policy

(b) In addition to any amount which the insured may be required to bear under para (a) above, the insured

shall also bear 50% of the assessed loss in respect of each and every claim under this Endorsement

(c) No deductible other than those mentioned in (a) and (b) above shall be applicable in respect of a claim which become payable under this Endorsement.

IMT - 24

Electrical / Electronic Fittings

(Items fitted in the vehicle but not included in the manufacturer’s listed selling price of the vehicle –

Package Policy only)

Used to indemnify the loss of or damage to such electrical and/or electronic fitting(s) whilst it/these is/are fitted in or on the vehicle insured

The insurer shall, however, not be liable for loss of or damage to such fitting(s) caused by/as a result of

mechanical or electrical breakdown.

Provided always that the liability of the insurer hereunder shall not exceed the Insured's Declared Value

(IDV) of the item.

IMT - 25

CNG/LPG Kit In Bi-Fuel System

(Own Damage cover for the kit )

IMT -26

Fire and/or theft risks only


Liability and Fire and/or Theft

(Not applicable for Miscellaneous and Special Types of vehicles rateable under Class –D of the

Tariff for Commercial Vehicles)


Legal liability to paid driver and/or conductor and/or

Cleaner employed in connection with the operation of insured Vehicle

(For all Classes of vehicles)


Legal liability to employees of the insured other than paid

Driver and/or conductor and/or cleaner who may be travelling or Driving in the employer’s car

{Private Cars only/ Motorised two wheelers (not for hire or reward)}



(Applicable to Private Cars Only)


Reliability Trials And Rallies

[Private Cars and Motorised Two Wheelers)]


Accidents To Soldiers /Sailors/ Airmen Employed As Drivers


Loss Of Accessories

(Applicable to Motorised Two Wheeler Policies only)


Use of commercial type vehicles for both commercial and

Private purposes

(Applicable to Commercial Vehicle Policies only)


Hired Vehicles – Driven By Hirer*

(Applicable to four wheeled vehicles with carrying capacity not exceeding 6 passengers and Motorised Two wheelers)


Indemnity to Hirer - Package Policy - Negligence of the insured or Hirer

(only for damages caused by negligence of Insured or his employees)


Legal Liability to Non-Fare Paying Passengers other than Statutory Liability except the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 (Commercial Vehicles only)


Legal Liability to Non Fare Paying Passengers who are not employees of the Insured

(Commercial Vehicles only)


Legal Liability to Fare paying Passengers excluding liability for accidents to employees of the Insured arising out of and in the course of their employment

(Commercial and Motor Trade Vehicles only)

IMT - 39

Legal Liability to persons employed in connection with the operation and/or maintaining and/or Loading and/or Unloading of Motor Vehicles


IMT - 39.A

Legal Liability under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 in respect of the carriage of more than six employees (Excluding the Driver) in goods carrying vehicles


Legal Liability to paid driver and/or Conductor and/or cleaner employed in connection with the operation of Motor vehicle

(For buses, taxis and motorized three/four wheelers under commercial vehicles tariff)


Motor Trade Policy - Class `F' - Road Risk only


Private Carriers

(Goods Carrying Commercial Vehicles Only)


Theft and conversion Risk


Indemnity to Hirer - Package Policy - Negligence of the Owner or Hirer.

IMT - 45

Indemnity to Hirer - Liability only Policy -- Negligence of the Owner or Hirer

IMT - 46

Legal Liability to passengers excluding liability for accidents to employees of the Insured arising out of and in course of their employment (Applicable to Ambulance/Hearses under class D of Commercial vehicles and to Motor Trade vehicles)

IMT - 47

IMobile Cranes/Drilling Rigs/ Mobile Plants/Excavators/ Navvies/ Shovels/ Grabs/Rippers.

IMT - 48

Agricultural and Forestry Vehicles And Other Miscellaneous vehicles with Trailers attached - Extended Cover

IMT - 49

Exclusion of Liability to the Public Working Risk (Except as required by the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988)

IMT - 50

Cinema Film Recording and Publicity Vans

IMT - 51

Mobile Shops /Canteens and Mobile Surgeries/ Dispensaries

Used for deletion of liability arises due to sale of any item or provide service through Vehicle whilst use as Mobile Shops/Canteens and Mobile Sugeries/Dispensaries


Exclusion of damage while in use as a Tool of Trade


Specified Attachments (Special Type Vehicles)


Mobile Plant-Inclusion of Liability to the Public Working Risk Where Tool of Trade is used only for work performed in or upon the Vehicle or Trailer


Mobile Plant - Inclusion of Liability to the Public Working Risk

(All Other Cases)


Trailers (Road Transit Only)


Motorised Two Wheelers (Motor Trade Only)

Used for deletion of words "Motor Vehicle" wherever they appear and substituted by the words "Motorised Two Wheeler”


Loan or Hire of Motor Cars, Motorised Two wheelers, Motor vehicles to Customers by Motor Dealers (Motor Trade Only)

Use for covering risk of Insured vehicle while it was out

on loan or hire to insured's customers when their vehicle(s) is/are under repair with the insured


Private use of vehicle by Member/Director/Employee of the insured

(Motor Trade only)

Use for extension of the Policy whilst the vehicle insured is being used by the insured or with the permission of the insured by a Member Director or employee of the insured for social domestic or pleasure purposes


Demonstration - Driving Extension

(Applicable to Motor Trade Policies Only)

used to driving extension by person(s) not in the employment of the insured provided he/she/they is/are driving with the insured's permission and is/are accompanied by the insured or by any person(s) in the insured's employment


Tuition - Driving Extension

(Applicable only to Motor Trade Policies issued on named driver basis)

Used to cover risk of vehicles while use for demonstration or for the purpose of tuition by any other person, provided he/she is driving with the insured's permission and is accompanied by a named driver mentioned in the policy Schedule


Deletion of 50% Limitation clause in respect of damage to tyres

(Applicable to Motor Trade Road Transit Risks Policies only)

Deletion of 50% limitation clause applicable on damage to Tyres


Restriction of Cover to Liability Risks only

(Motor Trade Internal Risks Policy)


Open-Air Car Parks

(Motor Trade Internal Risks Only)

Used to included and provide risk cover of the named place of open air parking area of the vehicle. Superficial area specifically mentioned


Work Away From Premises

(Motor Trade Internal Risks Only)

Used for include the named place(premise) other than not under direct control of the Insured.